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Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Friday, 26 August 2011

How to Make Concrete Flower Pots

Concrete planters are surprisingly affordable and easy to make at home. With a handful of simple materials, you will be amazed at the vast array of planters that can be created that reflect your tastes and preferences. This article will outline one method of making simple concrete planters for a garden, deck, patio, or balcony. Set aside at least one afternoon, and allow up to a week for your planter to be cured and ready for use. As you become more adept at this method, you may wish to try more intricate designs

Things You'll Need :-

  • Concrete mix
  • 4 to 6 Plastic pipes (1” diameter, and at least 16” long)
  • A tamper
  • A trowel
  • Form oil or paste wax
  • A medium plywood rectangular box (suggested dimensions: 18”L x 15”W x 10”H)
  • A smaller plywood rectangular box (suggested dimensions: 14”L x 11”W x 8”H)
  • Concrete dye (optional)

Instructions :-

  • Rub oil or wax over the entire surface of the inside of the larger plywood box, and over the entire surface of the outside of the smaller one. This will ensure easier removal later.
  • Mix the concrete according to the manufacturer’s directions. If you are using a special concrete dye to color your concrete planter, add it at this step.
  • Pour a 2-inch deep base layer in the larger box. Insert the pipes along the perimeter of the larger box. This will make drain holes for the planter. Smooth the surface of the concrete around the pipes.
  • Place the smaller plywood in the center of the larger box. Press it gently over the concrete base layer, and add concrete mix around the edges of the plywood mold, between the large and small boxes. Compress the concrete around the mold as you pour it. Use the trowel to keep it smooth.
  • Keep the concrete moist to control curing. Wait 24 hours before removing the plywood mold from around your concrete planter. Keep the new planter damp for up to a week before using it as a planter.
  • Spray the concrete planter with a garden hose and allow it to air dry for an hour or two before adding potting soil and new plants.

Tips & Warnings :-
  • Search around your home for containers of different or unusual size and shape to create unique planters in a variety of styles. Pay attention to containers that may lend interesting textures or decorative surfaces.
  • When handling your finished concrete planters, remember that they will be heavy for their size. Use protective gloves to help you to hold and transport them safely, especially once they are filled.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Solar Powered House

How Many Solar Panels to Power a House Efficiently?
     One question that bugs many homeowners is this – how many solar panels to power a house. Actually it does depend; on the number of appliances that one has in his home, the size of the house as well as the abundance of sun rays. Actually it also can be about the budget that one has – is he capable of buying only a single unit or several solar panels for house.
     Actually in order to arrive at the right answer on how much solar panels to power a house, your own house for example, you must have an idea of the energy that you consume regularly. Panels are actually rated in wattage, and it is a given that the bigger they are, the more watts they produce. Therefore, if you have found out that you need 2,000 watts an hours, you would be needed 4 500 watt panels, or perhaps 10 200 watt types or any other combination that would in the end produce 4k watts per hour. This shows you an idea on how to arrive at the right number of solar panels for house which is necessary to efficiently take the place of your electrical power source.
     Suffice it to say that if we want to utilize sun powered gadgets as alternative source of power for our homes, we do need to have an approximate answer on how many solar panels to power a house. Of course, we do want all the appliances in our abode to run via sun power energy, and we can only do this with the right number of panels. Indeed, to install them as alternative power gadgets on your home is a wise investment, one which you are assured of returns in the long run.


Creative tea set


Samsung - Side by Side - RS26MBZBL

Price :- 155,000/-
Key Features : -

  • Twin Cooling Plus
  • Dual LED Light
  • Champagne Handle
  • Deco Interior
